Theodore Roosevelt’s Summer White House
Sagamore Hill museum curator Susan Sarna talked with C&I about the 26th president and his famous residence.
The Visual Language of Beadwork
Beads tell a story of Native North American culture and resilience.
Apache Wars
In historian Paul Andrew Hutton’s latest book, this mostly forgotten drama of the American Southwest gets a comprehensive new...
Hemingway’s Idaho
The author had a special connection to Sun Valley, where he hunted, fished, found his “Family,” and was laid...
AMC Takes on “The American West”
A new docudrama series from TV network that brought us Hell on Wheels is as expansive as the West...
Oklahomans, OK!
“Okla” is Choctaw for people. As much as it’s red earth and blue skies, mountains and lakes, tornadoes and...
Guns of History
Some special vintage firearms with singular Western credentials are on the market — including a war-trophy rifle once belonging to Chief...
The General Custer Trevilian Collection and Libbie’s Love Letters
A Union soldier risked his life to return the spoils of war — the intimate correspondence from Gen. Custer’s wife.