western history

Saving Rodeo History: The Conservation Project

They ain't just pretty to look at. Photos contain history, and the Conservation Center for Art & Historic Artifacts...

Preserving Western Pulp Fiction With Centuries of Western Dime-Novels

Dime-novel enthusiasts at two universities are cataloguing and digitizing the stories that thrilled generations of Western fans more than...

Say Her Name: Jonnie Jonckowski

The lone woman in what was then an all-male sport, bull rider Jonnie Jonckowski held on hard with the...

Mr. Rodeo: The Life And Legacy Of Larry Mahan

Larry Mahan is a legend in and out of the saddle. For all his many accomplishments, the hall-of-famer credits...

Halloween Hideaways: Ghost Towns of the West

Want a real Western fright? Check out these Western ghost towns, rich with history (and possibly ghosts). The West...

From the C&I Archives: The Story of Wrangler

Some Western fashion companies create clothes for rhinestone cowboys or urban wannabes. But not Wrangler. Since 1947, Wrangler has...

Thunderheart And Incident At Oglala

Thirty years ago, two films were inspired by a violent clash that continues to have repercussions today. In 1975,...

The Art Of Seeing The Equestrian West: Western Photography

A shooter's guide to capturing award-winning photos of Western riders. William Shepley drops photography wisdom that he's accumulated over...