C&I asked photographers from across the country to capture “the West from here.” They responded with some breathtaking art. Take a look at the winners and honorable mentions of C&I’s 2025 photo contest.
We launched our 2025 photo contest with a question: What’s your particular view of the American West? Our readers answered with many different and wonderful perspectives in the categories of People & Culture, Wildlife & Nature, and Landscapes. Serving as our judges were photographers Beau Simmons and Erika Haight, who focused on the difficult task of choosing winners from among so many compelling submissions. In a blind selection, they hit on the winner Olivia, by St. Louis-based commercial and fashion photographer Patrick Lanham, who claims riding and photographing horses as his passion and Kurt Markus’ images of the West as his inspiration.
“The photo is of my good friend Olivia roping one of her horses in the small town of Meeteetse, Wyoming,” Lanham says. “Her pens had gotten flooded, which made for a unique challenge roping and not landing in the water. I was busy photographing and also trying not to land face-first in the water with so much happening. That evening, when we were editing images, Olivia pointed out the reflection of her horse in the water — something I had missed with all the action of the horses, roping, water, and movement.”
You can see more of Lanham’s work at patricklanhamphoto.com.
As for more from our 2025 “The West From Here” contest, scroll on down and enjoy your photographic journey through the land and life we love.
Overall Winner
Olivia, Patrick Lanham
“This is just a classic western image that showcases movement and how rugged the Western lifestyle is. The composition is great, and I love the reflection in the water along with the clean black-and-white edit. To me this is a very documentary-style image that I can see displayed in someone’s home. This is what truly defines the cowboy culture. Love this photograph!” — Beau Simmons
“Perfect timing. Love the reflection, action, and black-and-white. Overall, a very difficult image to obtain. The swing of the fringe, the droplets of water flying into the air. Sharp!” — Erika Haight
Landscape Winner
Eastern Sierra Sunrise, Eric Grimm
“This image is such an iconic landscape of one of my favorite places in the eastern Sierras. The fall colors against the white snow create a beautiful image that I find myself getting lost in. It almost looks like a painting. The long-exposure technique really showcases incredible skill with the water looking like glass and the clouds moving by in the distance with a soft blur. Beautiful sunrise along with a clean composition of an iconic landscape. What a photo!” — Beau Simmons
“All around stunning image. Leading lines, color, composition spot on. A true masterpiece.” — Erika Haight
Wildlife & Nature Winners
Thunderstruck, Nancy Florence
“Both this image (above) and Bison Stampede in a Blizzard (page 111) are photographs that I would consider fine art, and both are perfect choices for Wildlife Winner. I love the muted tones and feel of both. If I have to choose one, I am personally drawn to the wild stallion on the ridge. It embodies my love for horses and the untamed moments I crave. To me, this photograph almost takes on the characteristics of a Charlie Russell painting. A+” — Erika Haight
Wild & Free — Pine Nut Wild Horses, Kim Steed
“Very clean composition, and I really enjoy the formation of the horses. Great eye!” — Beau Simmons
People & Culture Winner
Native Woman and Her Horse, Traci Hume
“This photograph speaks to me. It’s reminiscent of Shane Balkowitsch’s wet-plate work. I want to know this woman’s story, but I am also content to just take it in and let my imagination wander. It’s a quiet, but powerful, image.” — Erika Haight
More Incredible Shots
Prada Cowboy, Michael Mallory
In a Hurry Going Nowhere, Jacob Lovett
I Believe the Steer Won This One, Vickie Mitchell
Bison Stampede in a Blizzard, Dale Maas
The Guide, Aaron Drummer
The Skies Proclaim the Work of His Hands, Sandy Crawford
Roughhousing — McCollough Peaks Wild Horses, Jenny Palmer
In the Fire, Katie Gregory
Who's Coming?, Larry Blain
Looking for Wile E. Coyote, Christopher Carpenter
The Sunrise Blessing, Bobby Strader
Keeping Watch, Crystal Socha
Liberty, Danny Nestor
From our January 2025 issue.