art gallery

Hot Ticket: International Folk Art Market In Santa Fe

In its 19th year, the International Folk Art Market celebrates its largest group of global artists and an exciting...

Art Gallery: Steve Wrubel

Western photographer Steve Wrubel makes a career out of immortalizing rodeo's most iconic moments with his camera. Just 18...

Photo Essay: Mojave With Beau Simmons

The new fine-art photography collection of Western photographer Beau Simmons recalls ’70s Americana at the Four Aces Movie Ranch....

A Very C&I Mother’s Day: Thanking The Fearless Women Who Raised Us

Whether they be a biological parent, a family friend, or a stranger who stepped up, C&I wants to thank...

Art Gallery: Whitney L. Anderson

Multitalented. Multidimensional. Or, as her website proclaims, "Multidisciplinary Artist, Writer, Visionary." There's a reason it's hard to label Whitney...

Art Beat: Spring Into The Art Scene With These Events And Exhibitions

Celebrate spring and early summer with these art exhibitions and events around the West and beyond. Through May 14...

Iconic Texas Author Larry McMurtry’s Estate Coming To Auction

Listen up, Lonesome Dove fans! The contents of famed author Larry McMurtry's Archer City, Texas home will hit the...

The Briscoe Museum’s Night of Artists Showcases Top Western Art

Works from today’s top Western artists are celebrated – and available for purchase – through the Briscoe Western Art...