
Preview: Clint Eastwood is “The Mule”

Eastwood co-stars with Bradley Cooper in a thriller about an elderly man pressed into service as a drug courier....

John C. Reilly Rides Tall In “The Sisters Brothers”

    The Oscar-nominated actor co-stars with Joaquin Phoenix in director Jacques Audiard’s audaciously offbeat western. They are notorious...

List: 8 Must-See Paul Newman Films

If you’re going to introduce a younger movie buff to the unique charisma of Newman, where do you begin?...

“Godless” star Jeff Daniels thanks his horse during Emmy Awards acceptance speech

Merritt Wever also earned Emmy gold for her performance in the Netflix western miniseries. The C&I crew would like...

Enter the 2018 Wrangler NFR Sweepstakes

Take your chances at a wild ride of a winter getaway in the desert. Two lucky readers will win...

Tales from the Trail: Nick Forster

Singer-songwriter and host Tyller Gummersall chats with Nick Forster in Episode Seven of his country music podcast. In this...

Song Premiere: Adam Hood’s “She Don’t Love Me”

Singer-songwriter Adam Hood premieres a new track from his upcoming Somewhere in Between, exclusively with C&I.

In The Bunkhouse With Red Steagall

A special chat with Red Steagall on the occasion of C&I's silver anniversary.