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Song Premiere: Ellen Starski’s “Chasing the Sun”

Songwriter Ellen Starski debuts her new single “Chasing The Sun,” from her upcoming album "The Days When Peonies Prayed...

Preview: The Trisha Yearwood Collection for Kirkland’s

In stores April 20, Trisha Yearwood's new home collection for Kirkland's pulls inspiration from the country music star's...

Fashion Feature: Blame It All On My Roots

Retro vibes abound, with more and more designers drawing inspiration from decades past. So what better backdrop for our...

Cocktail Recipe: Stagecoach Inn’s Lot 10 Hibiscus Margarita

This historic inn trades in refined but approachable chuck and concoctions, including this margarita.

Video Premiere: Derek Hoke’s “Destination Unknown”

Nashville staple Derek Hoke debuts his new music video for “Destination Unknown,” exclusively with C&I.

Art of the Dance Hall: Jon Flaming’s New Texas Music Paintings

The Texas painter's latest series is inspired by his love of the classic country-western venues of his state. Five years...

Song Premiere: Ashley Campbell’s “Better Boyfriend”

Glen Campbell’s daughter Ashley shares considerable musical chops and undaunted humor on the lighthearted new track “Better Boyfriend.”

Video Premiere: RJ Comer’s “All Over Again”

Americana artist RJ Comer premieres his music video for “All Over Again” from his debut album, One Last Kiss.