Uninspired by your wardrobe? Use our handy guide to declutter and make space for new spring fashion you'll love.
Nothing brings you down like an unorganized closet. Clothes spilling out from every direction, it's hard even browse your options. Have no fear: spring cleaning comes early this year to help you feel confident and inspired in the clothes you have, while giving you clarity to shop for things that will *actually* bring value to what you already have. Block out the day, and let's get started!
STEP ONE - Minus sentimental pieces, set aside EVERYTHING you haven’t worn in the last year. Unless something inspires you to put it back into your regular rotation of clothes, plan on donating or selling these items.
STEP TWO - From the clothes you have left, try on your jeans and pants. Keep pairs that fit you well and go with most of what you wear regularly. Anything that is too small or ill-fitting moves to the donate pile.
STEP THREE - Repeat step two but with tops and dresses. If you’re not comfortable in it or it doesn’t fit, to the donation pile it goes.
STEP FOUR - Pick a designated space for your casual and workout wear. Since this is the category most tend to hoard, you'll want to designated a confined space for these items to live. The key is to make sure its a truly CONFINED space so you can only keep so much. For example, you may choose a shelf in the closet for sweatshirts, and two drawers in the dresser for workout wear.
STEP FIVE - Go through your casual and workout wear, and only keep enough to fit into the designated space from step four. This isn’t for your sentimental things, just items you wear often and plan to continue wearing. Do the same thing for sweatpants and leggings if you’re drowning in those as well.
Take a mental break and browse some fresh spring styles.
STEP SIX - Decide where you have space for sentimental items you don't wear but would like to keep, It may be a place in your office, a storage closet - whatever fits your space and lifestyle. Again, make sure it’s a confined space so you aren’t tempted to re-clutter.
STEP SEVEN - Go through your sentimental clothes and pick the most important to go into your designated space. For any additional things that don’t fit but you can’t let yourself get rid of, find a way to repurpose or display them. Can you make a t-shirt quilt? Display an old uniform or sweatshirt with old photos on a shelf? Get creative!
STEP EIGHT - Go through the donation pile and figure out what can be donated, what should be thrown away, and what you may be able to resell.
STEP NINE - Organize what’s left in your closet in a way that inspires you to reach for different items each day. For example, you may choose to organize pieces by style, color, or even purpose. Create a system together that allows you to see everything you have without digging around.
STEP TEN - Take a good look at what you have, then make a list of items that would truly add to your closet. It's time to treat yourself!
Header Photo: Rocketbuster Boots