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Warren Zevon, Piano Fighter

An appreciation of the extraordinary songwriter behind “Poor Poor Pitiful Me,” “Carmelita,” “Lawyers, Guns and Money,” and “Werewolves of...

On View: Ken Burns’ American Quilts

Who knew Ken Burns was so into quilts? The International Quilt Study Center & Museum did, and it’s exhibited...

Correspondence: For All The Tired Little Cowboys And Cowgirls

Photo shared by a C&I reader brings back an old vacation memory.

Junk Gypsy by Lane Boots

This collaborative collection, designed by the creators of Junk Gypsy and made by Lane Boots, keeps getting bigger, better,...

Western & Co.

Hailey Nelson created this collection as a reflection of her own killer sense of style — an eclectic mix...

Western Homestead: Your Winter Checklist

Learn how to winter-proof your Western homestead.

The Legend of the Lost Dutchman Mine

There’s gold in them there hills — or is there? In the Superstition Mountains outside of Phoenix, people have died trying...

Naomi Judd’s “River of Time” Now Out in Paperback

Naomi Judd talks to C&I about her candid memoir, River of Time: My Descent Into Depression and How I...