“My interest is usually sparked by an experience that has caught my attention.” - Star Liana York
Should you go bigger? Should you go smaller? Open up a whole new world of flexibility in scaling your work through the process of 3-dimensional scanning and printing. Star shares her knowledge and years of research into this new emerging technology that has reached a point of accessibility for all artists. Attendees can bring a small, tabletop size, finished sculpture - either in bronze or clay - for possible scanning. Join us on the 22nd for an evening welcoming reception. The workshop will begin on the 23rd, with a morning discussion about the technology and will include demonstrations. Artists can then have a piece scanned immediately for a special workshop introductory fee. This class is open to professional sculptors.

February 23, 2019 @ 09:00AM - 04:00AM
Artists Workshop – “Bigger or Smaller? Using Technology to Scale Your Sculpture” with Star Liana York
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