September 15, 2018, 11am-5 pm. Miwok Park (in front of the museum), 2200 Novato Blvd., Novato. Sponsored by the Museum of the American Indian,, [email protected]
Featuring Red Voice Drum Group, California Indian dancers, Aztec Dancers Kalpulli Anahuak, Hula Manu O’o Dancers, Hoop Dancer Eddie Madril, Native American Fry Bread by Mishewal Wappo, Miwok songs and stories, basketry demonstrations, regalia making, shell bead drilling, children activities, book sales, tours of the Museum, Native artists including former museum exhibitor, Becky Olvera Schultz and much more!
Contact Publicity Coordinator, Becky Olvera Schultz, at 831-688-0694/[email protected] or Museum Director, Teresa Saltzman, at 415-897-4064/[email protected].